Monthly Consulting Packages

Our monthly safety consulting packages are designed to address the specific needs of your company. Ideal for businesses who require assistance from a safety professional on an on-going basis. Choose from one of our tiers or contact us to let one of our professionals customize a package for you!

Monthly Consulting Packages
On-call professional guidance and mentorship 7 days per week
Safety meeting developmentMonthlyMonthlyMonthlyMonthly
Safety documentation frequency schedule and accountability reminders to ensure execution of worksite inspections, FLHA’s, toolbox/safety meetings, emergency response drills etc.
Incident investigation and assistance developing and implementing corrective actions
WCB claims management, modified & return to work planning
Auditing completed forms (FLHA’s, worksite inspections, investigations, near misses, HID's, vehicle/equipment inspections etc. and insight is provided which can also be included in safety meeting/toolbox talks with workers)
Safety manual maintenance and revision (JSA, SWP, SJP, ERP, policies and any other safety program elements that need updating throughout the year)
Training scheduling and certification tracking for compliance and expiration of tickets (training matrix maintenance)
Safety metric tracking and trending analysis
Management of Contractor Management Software Accounts (Avetta, ISNetworld, ComplyWorks, ContractorCheck)
Sub-contractor management (completion of pre-qualification questionnaires and assistance with onboarding subcontractors)
Management of digital HSE platform (SiteDocs, BIS Training, SafeTap, etc.)
Conducting site inspections, emergency response drills, facilitating safety meetings and orientations as per client's policy.